
Bringing the Farm to Mt. Washington

Awhile back my dear boyfriend (@didymos) suggested that I do an entry on farmers' markets. I may or may not have snapped at him for this suggestion. I don't really frequent them so it didn't make sense to offer tips on the matter.

Since his preposterous suggestion, I have taken it into consideration and stopped by the
Stanbery Park Farmers' Market in Mt. Washington TWO whole times!

First thought... well, it's not big. At all. There are around 10 booths, but the variety is great - fresh baked goods, jams, butter, honey, jewelry, soap, veggies and fruit and even Belgian waffles.

Today's trip yielded:
  • six tomatoes for four bucks
  • zucchini and squash for a dollar
  • freshly baked banana nut bread (no preservatives!), $4.50
  • Belgian waffles for the weekend ($6.50 for two)
I ate most of it tonight. And YUM! I concocted a dinner with spinach/chive linguini from Trader Joe's, Italian dressing, sauteed zucchini/squash/tomatoes and roasted chicken. Dessert of course was banana nut bread with my homemade cream cheese icing.

It was all delicious. Clearly, humble pie was not served.

What was I writing about? Oh yeah - farmers' markets... while this one isn't necessarily cheaper, the quality way outweighs any price difference. You get to support local farmers and see the pride they take in their product firsthand. I will be a repeat visitor.

I should update this link to Cincinnati Farmers' Markets for you to check out one near you if you haven't already. http://www.cincinnatifarmersmarkets.org/

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