
Don't buy Wal-Mart brands unless you're at Wal-Mart

Any shopping aficionado will tell you... know what you're looking for. If you buy an authentic 1908 German beer stein, you'd be pretty disappointed to find out that you're actually the proud owner of a 1988 Zinzinnati Oktoberfest souvenir.

Shopping is not fun when you're left wondering if you landed a good deal. Being able to find good bargains is what makes a good bargain shopper. Plus, you'll waste a lot less time.

That being said, knowing brands is important and knowing price brackets is key. The cost difference between a shirt on sale at Express or T.J. Maxx isn't that great. And unless you're a brand wh*re, it's good to know when you're only paying for a label.

And the outlet malls.

My friends, they're designed to induce shopping spree-itus. So unless you simply love Old Navy, why go to an Old Navy "outlet?" It's a regular store. Old Navy prices are basically outlet prices. Why waste time getting an everday deal when you can really score at the Banana Republic or Pottery Barn outlet stores?

Also, you never know why something is discounted. Look for "as is" signs (holes, stains, whatever) and spare yourself some serious buyer's remorse.

* Hot tip: Gabriel Brothers does carry a wide range of brands. While it's overwhelming at first glance, racks are nicely labeled. Scan rack top signs for hot spots to avoid premature burn out.

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