
A Shopping Wingman... eh Winggal?

You may have noticed the frequency of my blog updates have slowed (read... nonexistent) the last couple of weeks. Sadly, on September 18, I became a statistic of the economy. My company laid off eight people - including me. The flurry of a job search has taken priority over my fun lil blog.

Not that I have a job yet, but I do have a lot of things in order now so that I can deviate some of my attention back to the topic of bargain shopping. I know! Yay! Right?!?

Now on to the title of this post. A shopping wingman (gal just doesn't cut it - suggestions?). A fellow laid off coworker and I headed to the new Premium Outlet Mall on I-75 yesterday for interview outfits. This was my virgin voyage, and while there, I learned the importance and value of a good shopping partner.

It all started in BCBG - a store that I adore - and a certain sales associate named Sylvana. At first our relationship was great. She offered her help. I declined. Just how I like it.

Then she returned to offer her assistance again and asked... "Are you looking for anything in particular..."

That's when I did it. I made a fatal mistake. Like a shopping rookie, I told her my goal of finding an interview outfit. Dollar signs appeared in her eyeballs and cash registers dinged in her earballs. She was alight with the glow of a predator ready to pounce its vulnerable prey.

WHY OH WHY DID I TELL HER?! It's been a well known fact all of my life that you do not share the details of a shopping mission unless you want the misguided help of an over eager sales associate. I'm among the pickiest of the picky when it comes to shopping. My own mother can't even help me. Why on Earth would Sylvana think she is any different!?!

And then it started. The never ending flow of suggestions, jealous stares when other sales associates would approach me, and her streaming questions. Instead of shouting "let me shop in peace, lady!" I just took it. I took it all.

But then something magic happened.

Kristy - dear sweet innocent Kristy, my shopping buddy - filled the role of something I had never ever considered before. Wingman. She distracted and obstructed Sylvana's advances with skill and stealth. She fielded the questions, she looked at the well-intentioned suggestions, and did all of the talking. She even located a calmer, less abrasive sales associate when we actually did need help. With Kristy by my side, I could shop in peace and with ease.

So many lessons learned yesterday - but above all the magic of having a shopping wingman. On your next shopping trip, I suggest you try this strategy. Find your shopping wingman and enjoy your shopping mission so much more.

And avoid the Sylvana prototype. It may take ninja skills.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

This sounds like the mistake I made when I went to by a suit!